

For the most up-to-date list, see my CV.


 Forthcoming and Preprints



Perry Zurn, “How Cis Went Mainstream: Critical Junctures and Costs,” Feminist Philosophy Quarterly 11.1 (forthcoming 2025).

Perry Zurn, “Re-Citing the Origins of Neuroqueer,” Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal, Situating Neurodiversity and Madness special issue, 34.2 (forthcoming 2024).

Perry Zurn, “María Lugones in Vestal: Or A Meditation on Lifedeath,” philoSOPHIA: A Journal of Transcontinental Feminism (2024): (forthcoming).

Perry Zurn, “Between Fungal Networks and Fractured Categories: An Interview Gabriela Veronelli,” philoSOPHIA: A Journal of Transcontinental Feminism (2024): (forthcoming).

Perry Zurn, “Revisiting the Transitivity of Trans,” Theorizing at the End of the World: Critical Futurities, eds. Jami Weinstein, Rachel Loewen Walker, Rick Elmore, Vernon Cisney (New York: Columbia University Press, forthcoming).

Perry Zurn, “Making Each Other Across Time(s),” Feminist Making, Sensing, Doing, eds. Lauren Guilmette and Ada Jaarsma (Durham: Duke University Press, forthcoming).

Perry Zurn, Review of Florence Ashleys’ Gender/Fucking (New York: Clash Books, 2023), in Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal (forthcoming).        

Perry Zurn, “Disorienting,” Uncertain Curiosity: Transforming UnderstandingUnderstanding Transformation, eds. Alexander Damianisch and Lisa Stuckey (Springer, forthcoming).

Jennifer Stiso, Kendra Oudyk, Maxwell A. Bertolero, Dale Zhou, Erin G. Teich, David M. Lydon-Staley, Perry Zurn, and Dani S. Bassett, “Modeling Observed Gender Imbalances in Academic Citation Practices,” arXiv.

Maxwell A. Bertolero, Jordan D. Dworkin, Sophia U. David, Claudia López Lloreda,  Pragya Svivastava, Jennifer Stiso, Dale Zhou, Kafui Dzirasa, Damien A. Fair,  Antonia N. Kaczkurkin, Bianca Jones Marlin, Daphna Shohamy, Lucina Q. Uddin, Perry Zurn, Dani Smith Bassett, “Racial and Ethnic Imbalance in Neuroscience Reference Lists and Intersections with Gender,” Biorxiv.

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98. Perry Zurn, How We Make Each Other: Trans Life at the Edge of the University (Durham: Duke University Press, 2025).

97. Perry Zurn, “Cripping Cis: Rethinking Cisgender within a Disability Critique,” Journal of Philosophy of Disability 4 (2024).

96. Perry Zurn, “Not Everything is a Pandemic: The Challenge of Disability Justice,” Disability Justice in Public Health Emergencies, eds. Joel Michael Reynolds and Mercer Gary (New York: Routledge, 2025).

95. Perry Zurn, “Trans Philosophy: A Tale of Two Futures,” APA Studies in Feminism and Philosophy 24.1 (2024): 38-47.

94. Dale Zhou, Shubhankar P. Patankar, David M. Lydon-Staley, Perry Zurn, Martin Gerlach, and Dani S. Bassett, “Architectural Styles of Curiosity in Global Wikipedia Mobile App Readership,” Science Advances 10.43 (2024): doi/10.1126/sciadv.adn3268.

93. Perry Zurn, “Trans Philosophy,” Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, eds. Ed Zalta and Uri Nodelman (October 8, 2024).

92. Perry Zurn, “Scatter: A Trans/Crip Analytic,” in Trans Philosophy, eds. Perry Zurn, Andrea Pitts, Talia Bettcher, and PJ DiPietro (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2024), 213-231.

91. Perry Zurn, Andrea Pitts, Talia Mae Bettcher, and PJ DiPietro, “Introduction—Situating and Desituating Trans Philosophy,” in Trans Philosophy, eds. Perry Zurn, Andrea Pitts, Talia Bettcher, and PJ DiPietro (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2024), vii-xxx.

90. Perry Zurn, Andrea Pitts, Talia Bettcher, and PJ DiPietro, eds., Trans Philosophy (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2024).

89. Shubhankar P. Patankar, Dale Zhou, Christopher W. Lynn, Jason Z. Kim, Mathieu Ouellet, Harang Ju, Perry Zurn, David M. Lydon-Staley, and Dani S. Bassett, “Curiosity as Filling, Compressing, and Reconfiguring Knowledge Networks,” Collective Intelligence 2.4 (2023): 1-18.

88. Perry Zurn, “Curiosity, Power, and Narrative Practice,” interviewed by Zan Maeder, International Journal of Narrative Therapy and Community Work 1 (2023): 63-70.

87. Perry Zurn, “The Path of Friction: On Hale’s ‘Rules’ for Accountability To and Within Trans Communities,” Transgender Studies Quarterly 10.1 (2023): 71-85.

86. Perry Zurn, “Philosophical Curiosity: Who and What is it For?AAPT Studies in Pedagogy 7 (2023).

85. Perry Zurn and Dani S. Bassett, “Curiosity and Networks of Possibility,” Possibility Studies and Society 1.2 (2023).

84. Verena Erlenbusch-Anderson, Colin Koopman, Ladelle McWhorter, William Parkhurst, Kevin Olson, and Perry Zurn, “Roundtable on the Archive: From the Fourth Critical Genealogies Workshop,” Genealogy + Critique 9.1 (2023):1-29.

83. Perry Zurn and Dani S. Bassett, “Dots Out of Line: On Neuroatypical Curiosity,” The MIT Press Reader (Dec. 27, 2022).

82. Erin G. Teich, Jason Z. Kim, Christopher Lynn, Samantha C. Simon, Andrei Klishin, Karol Szymula, Pragya Srivastava, Lee Bassett, Perry Zurn, Jordan Dworkin, and Dani S. Bassett, “Citation Inequity and Gender Citation Practices in Contemporary Physics,” Nature Physics 18 (2022): 1161-1170.

81. Perry Zurn, Erin G. Teich, Samantha C. Simon, Jason Z. Kim, and Dani S. Bassett, “Supporting Academic Equity in Physics through Citation Diversity,” Nature Communications Physics 5 (2022).

80. Perry Zurn, “How to Keep Kids Curious—5 Questions Answered,” The Conversation (Sept. 15, 2022).  

79. Perry Zurn, Blake Hereth, Christina Friedlaender, Tamsin Kimoto, Amy Marvin, and Andrea Pitts, “Trans/Non-binary Philosophers on the Academic Job Market: A Resource Guide,” Philosophers’ Cocoon (Sept. 12, 2022).

78. Perry Zurn and Dani S. Bassett, Curious Minds: The Power of Connection (Cambridge: MIT Press, 2022).

77. Perry Zurn, Joseph Stramondo, Joel Michael Reynolds, Dani S. Bassett, “Expanding DEI to Disability: Opportunities for Biological Psychiatry,” Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging (2022).

76. Keisha Ray, Perry Zurn, Jordan Dworkin, Dani S. Bassett, and David B. Resnik, “Citation Bias, Diversity, and Ethics,” in Accountability in Research: Policies and Quality Assurance (2022).

75. Perry Zurn, Dale Zhou, David Lydon-Staley, and Dani Smith Bassett, “Edgework: Viewing Curiosity as Fundamentally Relational,” The Drive for Knowledge: The Science of Human Information-Seeking, eds. Irene Cogliati Dezza, Eric Schulz, and Charlie Wu (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2022), 259-278.

74. Amanda L. McGowan, Emily B. Falk, Perry Zurn, Dani S. Bassett, and David M. Lydon Staley, “Daily Sensation-Seeking and Urgency in Young Adults: Examining Associations with Alcohol Use and Self-Defined Risky Behaviors,” Addictive Behaviors 127 (2022): 107219.

73. Perry Zurn and Arjun Shankar, “Thinking With: Curiosity Studies,” Interviewed by Jonathan Eburne, ASAP/Journal (January 3, 2022).

72. Perry Zurn, “A Critical Phenomenology of Walking: Footpaths and Flight Ways,” Puncta: Journal of Critical Phenomenology 4.1 (2021): 1-18.

71. Perry Zurn, “Abolition and the Prophetic Imagination,” Foucault Studies 31 (2021): 100-104.

70. Perry Zurn, “Two Friends and a Camera: Foucault, Livrozet, and the Guerilla Art of Documentary Film,” An Interview with Nicolas Drolc, Foucault Studies 31 (2021): 105-116.

69. Perry Zurn and Erik Beranek, “Archival Relations and Activist Intimacies: From the GIP to Intolerable,” Hopscotch Translation (December 21, 2021).

68. Perry Zurn, “Bathroom,” in Keywords in Gender and Sexuality Studies, eds. Aren Aizura, Aimee Bahng, Amber Musser, Karma Chavez, Mishuana Goeman, and Kyla Wazana Tompkins (New York: New York University Press, 2021).  

67. Perry Zurn, “Curiosity, Power, and the Forms They Take,” APA Newsletter on LBGT Issues in Philosophy 21.1 (2021): 3-5.

66. Kevin Thompson and Perry Zurn, eds., Intolerable: Writings from Michel Foucault and the Prisons Information Group, 1970-1980, trans. Perry Zurn and Erik Beranek (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2021).   

65. Kevin Thompson and Perry Zurn, “Introduction: Legacies of Militancy and Theory,” Intolerable: Writings from Michel Foucault and the Prisons Information Group, 1970-1980, eds. Kevin Thompson and Perry Zurn, trans. Perry Zurn and Erik Beranek (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2021), 1-34.

64. Perry Zurn, “Hope is the Blood of It: On the GIP, Paris 8, and the Urgency of Writing,” An Interview with Helene Cixous, Intolerable: Writings from Michel Foucault and the Prisons Information Group, 1970-1980, eds. Kevin Thompson and Perry Zurn, trans. Perry Zurn and Erik Beranek (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2021), 391-406.

63. Perry Zurn, “Feminist Curiosity,” Philosophy Compass 16.9 (2021): e12761.

62. Perry Zurn, “Abolition is a Kite-Idea,” Building Abolition: Decarceration and Social Justice, ed. Chloe Taylor (New York: Routledge, 2021), xii-xix.

61. Perry Zurn and Dani S. Bassett, “Radicle Curiosity,” in Reveal: The Art of Reimagining Scientific Discovery (Washington, DC: American University Museum at the Katzen Arts Center, 2021), 28-31.

60. Xinyi Wang, Jordan Dworkin, Dale Zhou, Jenny Stiso, Danielle S. Bassett, Perry Zurn, and David Lydon-Staley, “Gendered Citation Practices in Communication Research,” Annals of the International Communication Association (2021).

59. Alex Drake, Bruce Dore, Emily Falk, Perry Zurn, Danielle Bassett, and David Lydon-Staley, “Daily Stressor-Related Depressed Mood and Its Associations with Flourishing and Daily Curiosity,” Journal of Happiness Studies (2021).

58. Perry Zurn, “Prisons,” Oxford Handbook of Feminist Philosophy, eds. Kim Q. Hall  and Ásta Sveinsdottir (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2021), .440-450.

57. Perry Zurn, “Curiosity: An Affect of Resistance,” Theory & Event 24.1 (2021): 611-617.

56. Andrew Dilts and Perry Zurn, “Affect, Active Intolerance, and Abolition,” Theory & Event 24.1 (2021): 605-610.

55. Asia Ferrin and Perry Zurn, “Facilitating Curiosity and Mindfulness in the Classroom: A Socio-Political Approach,” Precollege Philosophy and Public Practice (2021).

54. Perry Zurn, Curiosity and Power: The Politics of Inquiry (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2021).

53. Megan Burke, Grayson Hunt, Tamsin Kimoto, Amy Marvin, Andrea Pitts, and Perry Zurn, “Transcestry,” QT Magazine (March 2021).

52. David Lydon-Staley, Dale Zou, Ann Sizemore Blevins, Perry Zurn, and Danielle S. Bassett, “Hunters, Busybodies, and the Knowledge Network Building Associated with Curiosity,” Nature Human Behavior (2020).

51. Perry Zurn and Andrea Pitts, “Trans Philosophy: The Early Years,” Conversation with Talia Bettcher, Loren Cannon, Miqqi Alicia Gilbert, and C. Jacob Hale, APA Newsletter on LGBT Issues in Philosophy 20-1 (2020): 1-11.

50. Dale Zhou, David Lydon-Staley, Perry Zurn, and Danielle S. Bassett, “The Growth and Form of Knowledge Networks by Kinesthetic Curiosity,” Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences 35 (2020): 125-134.

49. Perry Zurn, Danielle S. Bassett, and Nicole Rust, “The Citation Diversity Statement: A Practice of Transparency, A Way of Life,” Trends in Cognitive Sciences (2020).

48. Jordan Dworkin, Kristin A. Linn, Erin G. Teich, Perry Zurn, Russell T. Shinohara, and Danielle S. Bassett, “The Extent and Drivers of Gender Imbalance in Neuroscience Reference Lists,” Nature Neuroscience, 2020.

47. Jordan Dworkin, Perry Zurn, and Danielle S. Bassett, “(In)citing Action to Realize an Equitable Future,” Neuron (June 17, 2020).

46. Perry Zurn and Matthew Ferguson, “Doing Trans Philosophy as Public Philosophy,” American Philosophical Association blog (June 10, 2020).

45. Perry Zurn and Arjun Shankar, eds., Curiosity Studies: A New Ecology of Knowledge (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2020). Open access version on Manifold@UMinnPress.

44. Perry Zurn, “Curiosity and Political Resistance,” Curiosity Studies, eds. Perry Zurn and Arjun Shankar (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2020).

43. Perry Zurn and Arjun Shankar, “What is Curiosity Studies?,” Curiosity Studies,   eds. Perry Zurn and Arjun Shankar (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2020).

42. Arjun Shankar and Perry Zurn, “On Teaching Curiosity,” Curiosity Studies, eds. Perry Zurn and Arjun Shankar (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2020).

41. Perry Zurn and Danielle S. Bassett, “Network Architectures Supporting Learnability,” Philosophical Transactions B 375.1796 (2020).

40. Perry Zurn and Erich Pitcher, “Trans History and Activism at Hampshire College: Chronology and Compendium of Hope,” White Paper (May 20, 2020).

39. Perry Zurn, “Social Death,” 50 Concepts for a Critical Phenomenology, ed. Gayle Salamon, Ann Murphy, Gail Weiss (Evanston: Northwestern University Press, 2019), 309-314. 

38. David Lydon-Staley, Perry Zurn, and Danielle S. Bassett, “Within-Person Variability in Curiosity During Daily Life and Associations for Well-BeingJournal of Personality (2019).

37. Perry Zurn, “Perry Zurn,” Engaged Philosophy interview series, Public Philosophy Network (September 23, 2019).  

36. Perry Zurn, “Waste Culture and Isolation: Prisons, Toilets, and Gender Segregation,” Hypatia: A Journal of Feminist Philosophy (2019).

35. Perry Zurn and Danielle S. Bassett, "Philosophy of Biology: Seizing an Opportunity," eLife 8 (2019): e48336.

34. Perry Zurn, “Busybody, Hunter, Dancer: Three Historical Models of Curiosity,” Toward New Philosophical Explorations of the Epistemic Desire to Know: Just Curious About Curiosity (Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars, 2019), 26-49.

33. Perry Zurn, "Review of Gayle Salamon, The Life and Death of Latisha King: A Critical Phenomenology of Transphobia," philoSOPHIA 9.1 (2019): 153-158.

32. Joshua Gold, Perry Zurn, Danielle S. Bassett, “Network Models in Neuroscience,” in The NeoCortex, eds. Wofl Singer, Terrence J. Sejnowski, and Pasko Rakic (Cambridge: MIT Press, 2019), 109-123. 

31. Perry Zurn, “Review of Jack Halberstam, Trans*: A Quick and Quirky Account of Gender Variability,” Hypatia: A Journal of Feminist Philosophy (2018).

30. Perry Zurn, "The Curiosity at Work in Deconstruction," Journal of French and Francophone Philosophy 26.1 (2018): 84-106.

29. Perry Zurn, "Curiosities at War: The Police and Prison Resistance after Mai’68," Modern & Contemporary France 26.2 (2018): 179-191.

28. Perry Zurn, "Puzzle Pieces: Shapes of Trans Curiosity," APA Newsletter on LGBT Issues in Philosophy 18.1 (2018): 10-16.

27. Perry Zurn, and Danielle S. Bassett, "On Curiosity: A Fundamental Aspect of Personality, a Practice of Network Growth," Personality Neuroscience 1 (2018): 1-10.

26. Danielle S. Bassett, Perry Zurn, and Joshua I. Gold, "On the Nature and Use of Models in Network Neuroscience," Nature Reviews Neuroscience 19.9 (2018): 566-578.

25. Perry Zurn, “On Diversifying the Classroom from Within,” Interviewed by Michaela Maxwell, Diversity Blog, American Philosophical Association Blog. June 4, 2018.

24. Perry Zurn, “Is Curiosity Uniquely Human?” IEEE CIS Newsletter on Cognitive and Developmental Systems 15.1 (2018): 14.

23. Perry Zurn, "Inheriting Gratefulness: On Derrida and Feminism," Philosophia 7.1 (2017): 125-131.

22. Perry Zurn, "Toward an Account of Intolerance: Between Prison Resistance and Engaged Scholarship," Carceral Notebooks 12 (2017): 97-128.

21. Perry Zurn, “The GIP and the Question of Failure,” Carceral Notebooks 12 (2017): 36-46.

20. John D. Medaglia, Perry Zurn, Walter Sinnott-Armstrong, and Danielle S. Bassett, "Mind Control as a Guide for the Mind," Nature Human Behavior 1.6 (2017): 0119.

19. Perry Zurn, “The Center for Curiosity Partners with Bioengineering,” Department of Bioengineering Blog, University of Pennsylvania. June 1, 2017.

18. Perry Zurn, and Andrew Dilts, eds. Active Intolerance: Michel Foucault, the Prisons Information Group, and the Future of Abolition (New York: Palgrave, 2016).

17. Perry Zurn and Andrew Dilts, "Active Intolerance: An Introduction," in Active Intolerance: Michel Foucault, the Prisons Information Group, and the Future of Abolition, eds. Perry Zurn and Andrew Dilts (New York: Palgrave, 2016), 1-19.

16. Perry Zurn, "Work and Failure: Assessing the Prisons Information Group," in Active Intolerance: Michel Foucault, the Prisons Information Group, and the Future of Abolition, eds. Perry Zurn and Andrew Dilts (New York: Palgrave, 2016), 75-91.

15. Perry Zurn, "The Politics of Anonymity: Foucault, Feminism, and Gender Non-conforming Prisoners," philoSOPHIA 6.1 (2016): 27-42.

14. Perry Zurn, "Wonder and Ecriture: Descartes and Irigaray, Writing at Intervals" in Engaging the World: Thinking After Irigaray, ed. Mary Rawlinson (New York: SUNY, 2016), 115-134.

13. Perry Zurn and Andrew Dilts, “Michel Foucault, Prisons, and the Future of Abolition,” Interviewed by Eugene Wolters, Critical-Theory (June 25, 2016).

12. Verena Erlenbusch, Simon Ganahl, Robert Gehl, Thomas Nail, and Perry Zurn, “Ways of Doing Genealogy: A Group Interview,” Interviewed by Colin Koopman, Le Foucauldien (June 7, 2016).

11. Lindsey Back, Perry Zurn, Luciano Berardi, and Brian Spittle, “DePaul University’s McNair Scholars Program: A Model for Widening Participation,” in Collaborate to Widen Participation: To, Through, and Beyond Higher Education (London: FACE Publications, 2015), 23-42.

10. Perry Zurn, “Trans Experience in Philosophy,” American Philosophical Association Diversity Blog (August 11, 2016).

9. Perry Zurn, "Review of Nicole Anderson, Derrida: Ethics Under Erasure," Oxford Literary Review 37.2 (2015): 294-298.

8. Perry Zurn, "Review of Érik Bordeleau, Foucault Anonymat," Foucault Studies 19 (2015): 224-228.

7. Perry Zurn, "Review of Lisa Guenther, Solitary Confinement: Social Death and Its Afterlives," philoSOPHIA 5.1 (2015): 155-160.

6. Perry Zurn, "Review of Lauri Siisiainen, Foucault and the Politics of Hearing," Foucault Studies 18 (2014): 293-296.

5. Perry Zurn, "Curiosity: Philosophy and the Politics of Difference," Dissertation (2015).

4. Perry Zurn, "Publicity and Politics: Foucault, the Prisons Information Group, and the Press," Radical Philosophy Review 17.2 (2014): 403-420.

3. Rachel Widawsky and Perry Zurn, trans., “Reliance and Maternal Eroticism,” by Julia Kristeva, Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association 62.1 (2014): 69-85.

2. Perry Zurn, "Intimate Strategies: Morton, Foucault, and the Poetics of Space," Zetesis: Research Generated by Curiosity 1.1 (2013): 94-105.

1. Perry Zurn, “Old Airs,” in Brute Neighbors: Urban Nature Poetry, Prose, and Photography, eds. C. Green and L. Heneghan (Chicago: DePaul University Press, 2011), 146-148.